
Even Light Rain Can Significantly Increase Your Chance of a Fatal Motorcycle Accident

Most people who ride motorcycles are well aware that storms and significant rainfall can make the roads much more dangerous, yet many motorcycle riders do not realize that even a small amount of rain can cause an uptick in motorcycle accidents. Keep reading to get the facts and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you are injured in a motorcycle accident that was someone else’s fault.

Thousands of People Die in Motorcycle Accidents Each Year

The sad truth is that tens of thousands of vehicle accidents occur each year, including motorcycle, car, and truck accidents. In fact, in 2018 alone more than 36,500 died in motor vehicle crashes. There are many reasons for these accidents but it is not at all uncommon for rain to play a part – even supposedly light rain.

Why Does Rain Increase the Chance of Motorcycle Accidents?

To understand why even a small amount of rain would affect the likelihood of a motorcycle accident, we must first understand how rain affects the situation at all. Any wetness on the road can reduce traction and make it harder for your tires to grip the road -which makes it more likely that you will lose control of your motorcycle.

The less traction your wheels have between the road and the tires, the longer it will take to stop – which can result in you hitting a vehicle in front of you even if you would have had plenty of room to stop in dry conditions. Finally, rain can reduce visibility and make it harder to see vehicles around you or to judge how far away they are.

Why Light Rain Can Sometimes Be More Dangerous

Not only does light rain still lead to motorcycle accidents, but it may also make them more likely. Why? Because while drivers are likely to slow down in a heavy downpour, they may be less likely to do so if they think it is “just” a light rain. One study looked at 125,000+ fatal accidents between 2006 and 2011 and found that even light rain increased the chance for accident by 27%.

How to Protect Yourself if It is Raining

If it is raining and you have the option of taking another mode of transportation, then you should do that. A motorcycle rider is already at a much greater chance of being seriously injured in an accident – you do not want to also significantly increase your chances of being involved in an accident in the first place.

If you do go out and you are injured, and that injury was the result of someone else acting negligently or recklessly, then you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim. The next step is to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation.