
Drowning Accidents Aren’t Always as Simple as They Seem: See Why a Premises Liability Lawsuit May Be in Order

Many people assume that a drowning accident was just that: An accident that couldn’t have been prevented. While that’s certainly sometimes true, it’s also true that drowning accidents are often the result of a property owner acting recklessly or negligently. Read on to learn the truth about drowning accidents. If your live has been changed by a drowning accident then you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation to discover your options.

Risks of drowning are highest in the summer but you’re not safe in the winter

There’s often an influx of information related to drowning accidents in summer months as people prepare for spending time in lakes and swimming pools. However, there are plenty of drowning accidents – involving both adults as well as children – that happen during the winter months. The bottom line is that it’s always a good time to ensure your children and loved ones are safe.

You may be shocked by how many children are involved in fatal crowning accidents

Would you be surprised to know that drowning is one of the top causes of death for a child four years old or younger? If that’s surprising, then you’ll likely be even more surprised to learn that it’s not just in the top five – it is the most common cause of death. One of the best ways to stay safe yourself – and to keep your children safe – is to learn the myths and truths about drowning accidents.

Misconceptions about drowning accidents can lead to fatal accidents

If you believe any of the common misconceptions about drowning accidents then you could be at a higher risk. First, people assume that if a person knowns how to swim, then they’re not at risk. This is not true. An adult who has a medical condition could drown even if they’re an expert swimmer. A great swimmer could have a few beers and drown. It’s also common for a person who knows they’re a good swimmer to believe that they can handle a rip tide at the beach.

Parents should know that the idea that anyone who’s drowning is going to flail around and scream is false. It’s actually just as common for a person to silently sink under the water – especially an older adult or a child. Likewise, if a person has a medical condition while in the water then they’re unlikely to be able to yell or alert others that there is a problem.

Most drowning accidents occur in a swimming pool

Most adults who drown are in a swimming pool and these accidents often involve alcohol. Most children who drown are under the supervision of an adult but that adult could take their eyes off the child for just a moment – or take a bathroom break. If a child or adult dies in a drowning accident that took place on the property of someone else, then a premises liability lawsuit may be a possibility. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to learn more.