
Do You Want to Improve Gas Mileage and Safety This Summer?

No one wants to be among the numbers listed in car accident statistics. Everyone would like to find a way to lower their gas bills. There is one thing they can do that will help with both issues: Checking their tire pressure. Keep reading to find out why this is important, how it can help, and why summer is an especially important time to check your tires. If you have already been injured in a car accident and need a free legal consultation, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Check Your Tires for Three Things Before Getting on the Road

The United States Department of Transportation is suggesting that motorists check their tires for three things this summer:

  1. Proper inflation
  2. Signs of wear and tear
  3. Damage

They are stressing just how important it is to follow these guidelines, as you will see below.

Summertime is Especially Dangerous for Tires

It is certainly true that tires that have not been properly maintained can cause an accident on any day of the year, summertime is an especially dangerous time to be driving on poorly maintained tires. This is because it is so common for families to take off long trips during the summer, often in a vehicle weighed down by people and luggage.

Additionally, if an underinflated tire is going over hot asphalt for hours and hours at a time, it can be extremely dangerous for the driver and others on the road.

How to Keep Your Tires in Good Shape

You should check your tires periodically and especially before any long trip. Know that the older a tire is, the more susceptible it is to heat stress – especially if they are not inflated correctly. Hundreds of people die in tire-related car accidents every year.

Find out how old your tire is and what its inflation level should be by looking at the sidewall of the tire. You can also look in your owner’s manual or check with the tire manufacturer to determine how often the tires need to be replaced and what their inflation levels should be. Importantly, tires that are properly inflated are both safer and provide better gas mileage.

Have You Been Injured in a Car Accident Caused by Poor Tire Maintenance?

If you have been injured in a car accident then you owe it to yourself to contact a personal injury attorney to find out what your legal options are. You can contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now for a free legal consultation.