
Discover When a Minor Car Accident May Warrant Hiring an Attorney

When most people imagine hiring a car accident attorney, they imagine done so only after a very serious accident in which there were catastrophic injuries. They do not think of doing so when the accident was fairly minor. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we have seen many people assume that an accident did not warrant hiring an attorney only to later really wish that they had called one. Read on to find more. Then contact us at 909-982-0707 if you need a free legal consultation.

The process without an attorney

If you are in a typical minor car accident, then you will likely fill out an insurance claim with your insurance company, or the company of the other party involved. This claim will ask for any medical expenses to be paid as well as necessary repair to vehicles. If the at-fault party does not have insurance, or their insurance company refuses to cover damages or injuries, then you may take the case to small claim’s court. If all of this goes off without a hitch, then you may not need an attorney.

Situations that warrant hiring an attorney

There are of course many situations that may warrant talking to a personal injury attorney. If there is a dispute about who is at fault, then an attorney should be consulted. If there is a dispute about how much you should be paid then you should contact an attorney. If you have suffered an injury that will have ongoing medical costs for months or years in the future, then you should contact an attorney.

If the other driver – or their insurance company – is taking you to court then you should contact an attorney. Finally, if you simply do not want the hassle of having to deal with it on your own, you should contact an attorney. Any dispute over who was at fault or how much you should be compensated will either need to be negotiated or decided by a judge or jury. A lawyer should absolutely be involved in any of those scenarios.

The advantages of working with an attorney

It is common for those who’ve been in an accident to not realize just how helpful it can be to have an attorney. First of all, we know the local court systems and we know the process by which car accidents are handled. We know what evidence you need, how to get it, and how to negotiate a fair settlement. Even better – we know what a fair settlement is.

The bottom line is that even a car accident that seems simply can end up taking months to resolve. You do not need to worry that you are not handling every aspect correctly. You do not need to worry that you are not getting what you deserve. Contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now for a free legal consultation.