
Discover the Most Common Burn Injuries and How You Can Get Compensation for Damages

If you are like most people, when you think of a burn injury you think of a fire. While burns are certainly common with a fire, the truth is that there are many other types of situations that can result in burn injuries. In fact, some of the most common causes of burns could be putting you at risk right now. Read on to learn more and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to learn more about your options if you are burned in an accident.

Thermal burns

Caused by contact with any object hot enough to burn, a thermal burn can involve fire but it can also include steam, water, and other boiling liquids. Children and older adults are most likely to be injured by scald burns from hot liquids.

Electric burns

When a person is exposed to an electrical current, electrocution isn’t the only danger. It is also possible that they can suffer from a burn injury. For example, a lightning bolt would send a strike of electricity through a person’s body, which could then cause burns. If a person touches an exposed or underground wire, they could be electrocuted and then burned.

Chemical burns

There are many chemicals within your home that could cause serious burns if they come into contact with your skin. For example, paint thinner, drain cleaner, and gasoline can all cause burns. Strong acids can cause burns in industrial settings.

Radiation burns

The most common cause of radiation burn is UV damage. This can come from simply being in the sun too long. However, it can also be the result of being exposed to tanning booths, x-ray machines, or sunlamps.

Friction burns

When a person skids along a surface that is hard and / or abrasive, they may end up with what people refer to as friction burns. They are caused by the heat created by friction and are a valid type of burn injury.

What to do if you suffer from a burn injury

If you suffer from a burn injury, it may be possible to file a lawsuit and get compensation for pain and suffering. For example, if your burn was the result of a defective product or the result of a homeowner or businessowner not keeping their property safe. One of the most common situations in which a person can sue for a burn injury is a car accident, which can happen if a vehicle catches on fire.

If you have been burned and you believe that someone else is responsible for your accident then now is the time to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free legal consultation. We will look over your case, consider the evidence, and provide advice on how you can best proceed.