
Did Defective Brakes Play a Part in Your Truck Accident?

Would you surprise you to learn that there are more than 400,000 accidents per year involving large trucks? That’s according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, who also say that more than 70% of those accidents involved a large truck colliding with another vehicle. The same study found that there are more than 3,000 people killed and more than 82,000 injures that result from truck accidents every year.

How many of those accidents involved faulty brakes?

According to the Department of Transportation, a large portion of those truck accidents involved either issues with tires or faulty brakes. If you’ve been involved in an auto accident that involved a truck, or if a loved one was killed in this type of accident, then it’s important you speak with Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas as soon as possible. We can help you determine who was legally responsible and may be able to recover compensation for you.

Who’s liable in the event of defective brakes?

If it’s determined that a problem with a truck’s brakes caused an accident, there may be one or more people held accountable. It all depends on the specifics of the accident. We will investigate the case and leave no stone unturned to ensure you get every penny you’re entitled to. Some of the parties who could be legally responsible for injuries or death include:

  • The owner of the truck
  • The company that loaded the truck
  • The operator of the truck
  • The manufacturer of the brakes
  • The driver of the truck
  • A mechanic who completed faulty repairs on the truck

The company or person who owns the truck has a responsibility to ensure their trucks are maintained. This includes having their brakes checked and maintained in order to help prevent serious accidents. If a truck owner or driver depowers their front brake, or doesn’t maintain the large brakes, then they could be held legally responsible for any and all injuries that result.

Improper loading can also be a serious issue. It can lead to an uneven distribution of the load of the truck, which can cause the brakes to overheat – which can lead to malfunctioning. If this was the case in your accident, then the company that was responsible for loading the truck may also be responsible for the brake failure – and in turn for the injuries that resulted from it.

Finally, the company that actually manufactured the brakes could be responsible. If they knew there were flaws in either the design or the production of the brake system, then they could be held liable. There are federal standards in place that all brake manufacturers are legally required to observe. If they don’t, then they may be liable. A good indication that there’s an issue is if there’s been a brake recall by the manufacturer in question.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, then your next call should be to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free consultation.