
Car Seats Can Save Lives but Are You Using Yours Correctly? There’s no question that car seats are essential for small children. Any parent in the United States knows to use a car seat but at Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we’ve found that too often parents aren’t using them correctly. If you have suffered an injury in an accident, or your child was hurt, then we encourage you to call us at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation. Otherwise, read on to learn how you can best keep your child safe in a car seat.

Make sure your car seat is installed properly

First and foremost, make sure that you have your car seat installed properly. Since the early 2000s, tether and anchor systems have been standard in cars. If you have a vehicle that’s been made since then, then you should have a tether and anchor system that makes this easy. You may feel as though threading your seat belt through the car seat is enough, and it is while you’re at rest. However, if you get involved in a serious car accident at high speeds, it’s that tether and anchor system that you can count on to prevent the seat from rocking dangerously or, in the worst-case scenario, coming loose.

Make sure your chest clip is placed correctly

According to experts, one of the most common mistakes parents make when installing car seats is to not place the chest clip correctly. They often assume that the right position is to slide it down near their child’s pelvis or stomach but the truth is that it should be settled right over the child’s ribcage. As you’re adjusting it, slide it either up or down to get it even with your child’s armpits. Then tighten the straps until it’s secure and you can’t pinch extra fabric from the straps.

Make sure your child has the right sized car seat

Every car seat has specific limits that are based on the structure, size, and materials used to make them. You should find a manufacturer’s sticker on the bottom or base of your car seat and it should indicate what weight range the seat is made for. If you can’t see the sticker or it’s come off, then you can look up the model of your car seat online. Do not push this limit – if your child gets to the weight limit then you should not put your child in that seat and should invest in one that’s the right size.

Make sure you take off bulky coats or blankets before using a car seat

A blanket or bulky coat can make a car seat less safe. Take off the coat before you buckle them in, because in the event you are in a catastrophic accident, that coat or blanket is likely to quickly compress, which leaves the straps loose and lets the kid slip out of the car seat. Instead, strap them in without their coat or blanket and then lay it over them.