
Video technology can help reduce traffic accidents and liability disputes

Cameras and Car AccidentsCar accident victims are often advised to take photos of the scene immediately after their accident, before any of the vehicles are moved off the roadway. This can be very helpful in establishing the chain of events that led to the accident.

But you know what would be even more useful?

Video footage of the accident itself.

With the slowly increasing popularity of forward-facing cameras in vehicles, accident footage is becoming available in more and more accidents. This is especially true of accidents that involve commercial trucks, as many operators have begun installing dual-facing cameras in their trucks’ cabs to monitor both the roadway and driver behavior.

These types of video systems can provide essential evidence in the event of an accident. And whether they clear the driver or liability or implicate them in some risky or negligent behavior that actually directly caused the accident, in the end it is still advantageous to the company.

With clear evidence of what transpired, cases can be resolved more quickly and more fairly. This saves the company money on legal costs that might be wasted defending a guilty driver and also saves victims from the stress of having to fight to prove they deserve compensation. With video evidence, cases are more likely to be settled rather than dragging on into litigation.

Cameras Can Help Prevent Accidents Too

While assigning fault where fault is due is important, it would of course be better to prevent accidents from happening in the first place. Video cameras can also help with this effort.

For example, The Rear View Safety company has recently introduced a new fatigue monitoring system into the US market. This system utilizes a driver-facing camera to monitor drivers for signs of fatigue, particularly changes in their eyes and facial expressions. When fatigue is detected, the device sounds an audible alert to get the driver’s attention.

The $499 device does not really seem practical at this time for the average driver. After all, people know when they feel tired, and they really should just get off the road. However, commercial drivers could benefit from the device. They often drive while fatigued and are reluctant to stop and rest before they have reached their destination or completed their hours of service.

If you have been injured in a car accident, do not neglect to consider the possibility that someone around you may have a camera in their vehicle. It never hurts to check with witnesses, but of course you will still want to take your own cell phone photos or video of the scene and call a car accident injury attorney ASAP.