
Medical professionals and an expert attorney are needed to facilitate recovery

Assemble the Right Team Following a Spinal Cord Injury Following a spinal cord injury incurred in a traffic accident or slip and fall accident, you or your loved one likely has a long, physically and emotionally trying recovery ahead. In the case of a complete spinal cord injury, where the damage to the spinal cord is permanent, a full recovery to the range of movement enjoyed before the accident will likely be impossible.

However, this certainly does not mean victims of spinal cord injuries should just give up. With support from the right professionals, victims can adapt to their condition and recover a high quality of life even if partially or completely paralyzed.

Here are the key professionals spinal cord injury victims will need on their team:

Expert Physician: Obviously the first professional who will be called onto the case is a physician. While emergency medical attention may be provided by the on staff ER doctor, soon after a specialist in spinal cord injuries should be called. This physician will be instrumental in coordinating all aspects of care including any surgeries that may be helpful, as well as various rehabilitation activities.

Physical Therapist: Physical therapists typically focus on issues related to mobility. If the injury is not complete, the physical therapist may be instrumental in helping the victim recover use of the lower extremities following an injury. In the case of partial paralysis, the therapist can help the victim learn to use adaptive devices such as a wheelchair.

Occupational Therapist: An expert occupational therapist’s care is extremely important for helping victims to become as independent as possible after their injuries. Occupational therapists help patients with dexterity and with learning new ways to handle daily needs such as dressing or personal care.

Psychologist: Following a catastrophic injury, it is very common for patients to feel depressed, angry, alienated, etc. Even with a strong network of family and friends supporting the victim, they may still benefit from counseling from a psychologist specializing in such issues.

Home Aide: The transition from the hospital or rehabilitation center to a home setting can be made a bit easier by employing a home aide to help with daily needs. In some cases, a home aide may be required indefinitely to help care for victims who are not able to become fully independent.

Personal Injury Attorney: One final professional that spinal cord injury victims must not neglect to add to their team is a personal injury attorney. After all, a spinal cord injury is life-changing and costly, and victims deserve to be compensated for their pain and suffering and for changes in quality of life. If there is any suspicion at all that the accident that caused the injury was due to another party’s reckless or negligent behavior, a personal injury attorney should be consulted immediately. It is very important to choose an attorney who has ample experience with spinal cord injury cases, such as Fernando D. Vargas. Attorney Vargas understands the far-reaching implications of spinal cord injuries and he can help victims seek all the compensation they deserve.