
Ask a Personal Injury Attorney: Will I Have to Go to Court if I Sue After an Accident?

We have worked with many clients over the years and we are very familiar with some of the most commonly asked questions. One of those is whether or not you will have to go to court if you sue someone. The answer is not as simple as a yes or no. Keep reding to get the facts and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

The Vast Majority of Cases Settle Before They Get to Court

One of the most important things to remember is that about 95% of civil lawsuits, which includes personal injury cases, are resolved before they go to court. There are several reasons for this, including the fact that taking a case to court is expensive and time-consuming. In most cases, whether they admit it or not, both sides know who was likely at fault and will settle without going to court.

Many Claims Never Turn into Lawsuits

The above number involves lawsuits, but consider that most personal injury cases do not even get to the point of a lawsuit. When you come to us after an accident, we will first try to recover money from the insurance company of the at-fault party. They may try to deny the claim, they may offer low settlement offers, but we can negotiate with them until they offer a reasonable solution. Only if they refuse to do so will we even file a lawsuit.

There Are Many Reasons It Often Makes Sense to Settle a Case Before Trial

Though every case is different, it often makes sense to settle a case rather than go to court. When you settle, you have some control over the outcome. If you go to trial, you could get all or nothing. By settling before a trial, you will know with certainly that you will recover compensation. There are also costs associated with litigation, which we will cover upfront but will eventually come out of your settlement.

Finally, it is a lot faster to get money from a settlement than to go to trial. When a case goes through the court system, it could take years, and once the verdict is in it can take months to get payment. A settlement assures payment more quickly.

We Will Take Your Case to Trial if Necessary

Even with all of those benefits to settling before trial, there are some situations in which we will recommend you go to trial. Namely, if the insurance company is not willing to offer a fair settlement. You can trust Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas to offer honest advice to help you make the most informed decision. Get the process started by calling us at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.