
Are Black Boxes the Answer to Determining Fault in Truck Accidents?

When most people think of black boxes, they think of the black boxes that are typically installed in airplanes. They are designed to record data about the flight, as well as communication between the pilots. The purpose of the black box is to help find the cause of any accidents, which can then help prevent similar accidents from happening.

What many people do not realize is that black boxes are also present in commercial vehicles and big rigs. These black boxes have the same purpose as they do in airplanes – to help identify the cause of an accident. The black box data can be instrumental in helping determine who was at fault in a truck accident.

The Way Black Boxes Determine Fault

Federal law requires that all commercial trucks have black boxes. These boxes are built to withstand many hazards and severe conditions such as high temperatures or the impact of an accident. After an accident, the final seconds before the crash can be recorded in the black box and can provide essential information.

Black Boxes Provide a Wealth of Information

Black boxes are able to help investigators with a wide range of information that can be used to determine who was at fault. For example, it can show how fast the speed was going, the exact GPS location of the accident, the position of the truck’s tires and steering wheel, whether or not the brakes were applied, if seatbelts were being used, and the average speed of the truck.

If you are a truck driver who was involved in a truck accident in which another party was at fault, then the black box can help prove that you were not at fault. If you were in a vehicle that was involved in an impact with a truck driver who was at fault, then the black box can help us prove that case.

You May Be Able to Recover Several Types of Damage After a Truck Accident

If you have been injured in a truck accident then it is likely have suffered severe damages and injuries. The specific damages you will be able to recover compensation for will vary based on your accident but may include the cost of rehab, your medical bills, your lost wages, pain and suffering, emotion distress, and more.

To find out what you are eligible to receive, and how to get started, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation. We can go over your case, consider the evidence, and provide an expert opinion on what your chances are of wining a personal injury claim.