
Add Safety to Your 2018 Thanksgiving Preparations

It may seem like the end of the year has come out of nowhere, but the reality is that the holidays are just around the corner. Thanksgiving in particular is just next month. As you prepare your dinner plans, make sure that you are also considering safety as well. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we wish our clients safe, happy holidays without car accidents or other accidents. Remember that we are available 24 hours a day if you need us – just call us at 909-982-0707.

Nearly 50 million people will be on the roads this holiday season

According to estimates from AAA, nearly 50 million people in the United States are going to be traveling at least 50 miles this Thanksgiving. Remember that the holiday weekend starts on Wednesday and goes through Saturday. If you are going to be driving at all during these days, make sure that you are taking extra care to share the road and be safe.

Tips for driving safely

It is always important to drive safely but with so many people on the road, and so many people driving on roads they are not familiar with, it is more important than ever to be sure you are taking extra safety precautions. The best driving tips we can offer are to not drink and drive, never use a cellphone while you are driving, obey all traffic rules, signs, and signals, and if you are dealing with any type of weather condition – whether rain or snow – make adjustments accordingly.

If you are driving in high traffic, make adjustments as well. Remember that there should always be a gap between you and the vehicle in front of you. That gap should be at least two and preferably three vehicles wide. This greatly increases the chances that you can stop if there is an accident or emergency. Remember to stay calm and that everyone else on the road is just trying to get to their destination safely too.

If you can avoid driving late at night, it is wise to do so. Why? Because there are likely to be buzzed, drunk, and drowsy drivers behind the wheel. Stay in the right lane unless you are passing another vehicle. Be aware of other drivers and if you see someone driving erratically, pull over to let them pass. If they are particularly dangerous, call the local police to report them. Choose a designated driver before anyone starts drinking.

Protecting others when you are hosting Thanksgiving

If Thanksgiving is going to be at your home, then make sure that you keep an eye out for others who may be too drunk to drive home. Offer them a place to stay or a cab to get them home. Make sure you look through your property to find any potential dangerous areas. Remember that premises accidents can happen any day of the year.