
6 Steps Cities Can Take to Keep Kids Safe on Their Way to and from School

Children should feel safe walking to and from school but in many neighborhoods they do not. There are several factors that can lead to them feeling unsafe, including the chance of a pedestrian accident. The following are six ways cities can help them feel safer in these situations.

  1. Installing Crosswalks
  2. If you have a crosswalk that has been marked well, it can help save lives. Crosswalks have been proven to lower pedestrian and car accidents. There are two types of crosswalks: Those that resemble a ladder and are the most visible. Diagonal striped crosswalks also help increase the visibility of the crosswalk for drivers.
  3. Lowering Speed Limits
  4. There should be lower speed limits around schools and there should be clear markings stating the lower speed limits. It may be a flashing sign or a sign that indicates what time the lower speed limit is in effect. Speed feedback signs, which are the kind that tells upcoming drivers how fast they are driving, are the most effective.
  5. Pavement Markings Can Be Added
  6. While any pavement markers can be essential in showing motorists where an intersection is so they can slow down, raised pavement markers are the best option. Some say STOP on the road right before the stop bar.
  7. The Installation of Speed Humps
  8. Speed humps help in a number of ways, including slowing down traffic. This can help to lower the number of pedestrian accidents. They are designed to lower a driver’s speed to a maximum of 20 miles per hour. If a driver goes faster than this, they will experience an uncomfortable jolting.
  9. The Use of Pedestrian Signals That Count Down
  10. Some pedestrian signals count down so that those crossing know just how much time they have. If they have just two seconds, they are less likely to try and cross than if they see they still have 25 seconds. This can help prevent your child from darting out into the street in front of a vehicle.
  11. Using Warning Signs That There Are Pedestrians
  12. If your child goes to school or you live in an area in which it may not be typical for there to be a lot of pedestrians, signs alerting drivers to this fact can be helpful. They can be in the roadway, on the side of the road, or at an intersection.

In the event your child is struck in a pedestrian accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at


for a free legal consultation. Even if they are partially at fault – for example, if they crossed illegally – the driver still has the responsibility to yield the right of way to the child.