
Get a basic overview of 5 important legal terms that could affect your case.

5 Important Legal Terms Related to Your Personal Injury CaseAttorneys spend years learning all about the civil law and procedure governing personal injury liability. It should come as no surprise that many aspects of this area of law are confusing and mysterious to the unstudied layperson. Fortunately, when you hire Fernando D. Vargas as your personal injury attorney, you can rest assured that all the important elements of your case will be explained to you in detail. Attorney Vargas will make sure you understand the evidence for and against your claim, the strength of your position when seeking a settlement, and series of steps that will need to be taken if your case is to proceed to court.

The best way to get reliable information about the specifics of your case is to contact The Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 and request a free initial case evaluation. However, in the meantime you can get a brief introduction to some of the technical legal terms that will impact your case right here.


You may occasionally hear personal injury cases referred to as tort claims. Tort is the legal name for a proceeding based on a civil wrong or breach of duty under the law. For example, if a motorist breaks a traffic law and this results in an accident, this can easily form the basis for a tort claim.

Statute of Limitations

It is very important to understand that from the time you have an accident, the clock is counting down on your ability to file a personal injury claim. This time period is called the statute of limitations. In California the statute of limitations is two years for personal injuries based on negligence.


The prospect of having to give a deposition, or a sworn statement under oath regarding the facts of your accident and injury, can seem intimidating. However, this is actually a routine process that is required in virtually every personal injury case. Your personal injury attorney will brief you in detail on the process beforehand so that your deposition will go as smoothly as possible.


If your case cannot be settled for a satisfactory amount out of court, your attorney will have to begin prepping very carefully for litigation. An important step in this process is discovery, or the process of requesting and analyzing the defense’s evidence. Discovery should be done early and thoroughly to provide the best chance of creating a strong legal argument for you to receive the necessary compensation.

Voir Dire

If your case is to be presented before a jury, a process called voir dire will be followed in order to select the jury. Voir dire is French for “speak the truth,” and this process allows your attorney, the defendant’s attorney, and the judge to ask questions of the jurors. It is very important to have an experienced litigation attorney like Fernando D. Vargas on your side to ensure the right questions are asked to reveal any prejudices that could otherwise harm your case.