
5 Common Causes of Highway Accidents in California

Highway car accidents can result in serious injuries or even death due to the higher speed limits on highways. The faster a vehicle is moving, the more likely the accident is to be deadly. Keep reading to learn about five common causes of these deadly accidents. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a highway accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

  1. Drunk Drivers
  2. Believe it or not, an average of 29 people die every day due to drunk driving accidents. Many of these involve highway driving because the stakes are higher. If a driver was drunk or under the influence of any substance it is unlawful to drive under, then they are at fault for the accident.
  3. Speeding
  4. It stands to reason that since the higher speeds on highways is the reason so many highway accidents are dangerous that speeding would be a major cause of these accidents. The bad news about highway speeding is that it not only increases the chances a person will be involved in an accident by increasing their reaction time, it also enhances the chance that any accident will result in serious injuries.
  5. Distracted Driving
  6. The leading cause of accidents in California is distracted driving. It has become more and more common for drivers to have devices in their vehicles that lead them to lose focus on the road. This can be texting, putting on makeup, eating food, or checking the internet. Just one moment of inattention can result in a serious accident.
  7. Reckless Driving
  8. Speeding is one form of reckless driving, and so is drunk driving. However, they are not the only examples. Changing lanes too quickly, driving aggressively, and other behaviors are reckless as well – and they cause highway accidents.
  9. Weather Conditions
  10. In some instances, a highway accident is caused not by an error a driver made but by poor weather conditions. This can include rain, snow, or dust storms and these accidents can cause collisions or single-vehicle accidents. Of course, in some cases weather conditions combine with other issues on this list to cause accidents.

Your Personal Injury Attorney Can Help Determine Fault

In some instances, it is obvious who has caused a car accident. In others, it is not. If you are not sure who is at fault then you should consult with a personal injury attorney who can consider the evidence and decide what your options are. It is easy to request a free legal consultation: Just contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 at your earliest convenience. We are standing by to listen to your case and help you find the best way forward.