
4 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Dog Bite Attorney in California

A dog bit is never a minor issue. Even a bite that doesn’t break the skin can have serious, long-term repercussions including life-long anxiety around dogs and other animals, infection, and injury. If you or someone close to you has been the victim of a dog bite then there are certain steps you should take.

  1. Medical attention should be your primary concern
  2. It’s essential that a person receives immediate medical attention when they’ve become the victim of a dog bite. Not only may it be necessary from a medical standpoint, but a dog bite attorney will need documentation of the injury. The best way to get that is through a thorough medical evaluation. The earlier you get treated, the better.

  3. Take pictures if you can
  4. If the injury is life-threatening or otherwise serious then the first stop should be the hospital. However, if it’s possible to pause and take pictures then it may be worth it. You’ll want pictures of the bite immediately after it takes place but it can also be helpful to have pictures of the dog. Where they tied up? Then take photos of the way they were tied up. Were they loose on the run? Then get a picture of that. Essentially, the more visual evidence you have, the better your chances will be in court.

  5. California does not have a “one-bite” rule
  6. It’s common for people to not contact an attorney because they believe the myth that California has what some jurisdictions have: a one-bite rule. This rule applies to places where the law states that in order for a dog owner to be aware of the dog’s ability to be vicious for them to be liable for the damages suffered by someone bit by their dog.

    In California, the law is that a dog owner is liable for damages that occur from their dog biting if that dog bites in a public place or lawfully in a private place – even if they had no prior knowledge that their dog could bite. In short, California law acknowledges that when a person decides to take ownership of a dog, they are taking responsibility for the fact that their dog may bite and injure someone. They can be held liable the very first time their dog bites someone.

  7. You should choose an attorney who works on contingency

There are plenty of California dog bite attorneys who will want your business but there is one essential thing you should consider before making your final decision: whether or not they work on contingency. Those that do work on contingency take their fee directly from your settlement – there is no upfront cost. You shouldn’t have to pay to get the help of an attorney.

At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we are happy to provide you a free initial consultation to determine if you have a case. Call us today at 909-982-0707 to learn more about your options and the possible outcomes of your dog bite personal injury case.