
4 of the Most Injured Body Parts in a Car Accident & How They’re Treated

Being in a car accident can be scary, painful, and lethal depending on the severity. When the accident occurs, the body goes through a movement that is unnatural, leading to injuries. Your neck can get jerked around, your knees can bang against the steering wheel, or your face can get bruised from airbags…car accidents lead to both minor and major injuries.

If you have experience injury through a car accident, you need to get in contact with the Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas. Our team of experts has the experience to know exactly how to get you the results you need. Call 909-982-0707 to speak with a professional and schedule a free consultation. You can also fill out a quick form on our Contact Page and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Continue reading to learn more about what body parts tend to get injured the most in accidents and how they are traditionally treated.

1: The Head

Despite being covered by a thick skull, the brain is a sensitive part of the brain that can easily get damaged. With all the ways your body unnaturally moves in a car accident, it is not uncommon to hit your head. Concussions are the number one injury to the head as a result of an accident. One must seek immediate medical attention if their head was injured in any way during an accident.

2: Neck Injuries

Whiplash is the sudden movement of the body and head resulting in serious neck injuries. It can be so severe that the upper spinal cord can even get dislocated. A neck injury that involves the spinal column can require surgery to correct it, which comes with months of recovery time.

3: Psychological Damage

Physical brain damage or the trauma of the accident might also cause psychological harm. The victim may find it challenging to drive or simply carry out regular activities due to these injuries, which can linger for years or more. For these scars to heal, counseling may take months or even years.

4: Chest & Abdomen Injuries

Seat belts are intended to lessen the impact of an automobile crash and minimize bodily harm, and they typically succeed in doing so. However, they do have certain inherent hazards. Keep in mind that during an accident, the ribs and clavicle, as well as other bones in the chest and abdomen, might press on a seat belt. Broken ribs, a broken collar bone, and broken bones in the chest and abdomen can occur as a result of this. The recovery time for these wounds might range from six to sixteen weeks.

Regardless of What Got Injured

You need to contact an expert injury lawyer. At the Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we’ll work your case until you get what is fair and right. Call 909-982-0707 today to schedule a free consultation and begin building your case.