
 Avoid undermining your case for compensation by steering clear of these 4 common mistakes

4 Mistakes to Avoid in Personal Injury Settlement NegotiationsIf you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you are most likely entitled to compensation. The first step to securing this compensation typically involves making a claim with an insurance company and then negotiating for a fair settlement. This process can deliver fast and favorable results, but only if you are careful to avoid these 4 common mistakes.

Going It Alone

Trying to handle your personal injury claim without the assistance of an experienced attorney is without a doubt the number one worst mistake you can make. Why? Simply because hiring an attorney is going to save you from making all the other common mistakes that could cause you to miss out on the compensation you deserve. For the best possible results, be sure to contact an attorney as quickly as you can following your accident.

Not Having Ample Evidence

If your case comes down to your word against someone else’s, it is going to be very easy for the insurance adjuster to claim you do not really deserve any compensation at all. But if you have ample evidence to back up your claim, it is going to be much harder for them to escape their obligations. Ideally, you will want to have pictures of the scene of the accident as well as witness statements from any bystanders who may have seen the event take place. These kinds of evidence should help prove that the defendant caused your accident. In order to prove that the accident resulted in injury and suffering, you will need to produce medical records and doctor statements.

Undervaluing Your Claim

One very common mistake people make when trying to negotiate with an insurance company is believing the insurance adjuster’s assessment of the value of their claim. Remember, the insurance adjuster’s goal is to resolve the matter with the least possible cost to their employer. They will always try to give you less compensation than you may actually be entitled to. When calculating your compensation, do not forget that in addition to your current medical bills, you can also include future medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Overvaluing Your Claim

While it is important not to undervalue your claim, you do not want to overestimate the amount of compensation you can reasonably receive either. This could lead to negotiations breaking down and force you into the lengthy and potentially risky process of going to court to fight for compensation.

Why Choose Fernando D. Vargas as Your Personal Injury Attorney

Fernando D. Vargas is an experienced personal injury attorney with many decades of experience handling all kinds of accidents and injuries. You can rely on him to help you build a strong, evidence-based case for fair compensation. For a free initial consultation with Attorney Vargas, call us at 909-982-0707 now.