
Keyless ignitions systems are convenient but also dangerous

3 Safety Risks Associated with Keyless Ignition SystemsKeyless ignition systems first started appearing on luxury vehicles in the early 2000s, and recently they have become more and more common in mid-range models as well. Unfortunately, with increasing numbers of drivers using keyless ignition, a few serious safety concerns have come to light.

What Is Keyless Ignition?

Keyless ignition systems allow all your car keys to be replaced by a single electronic key fob. This key fob is basically a radio transponder that communicates with your vehicle when you are within range. The key fob must be near the vehicle in order for the engine to start. But unlike with a traditional key, taking the key fob out of the car does not turn off the engine or even require the transmission to be put into park. This has resulted in confusion among some drivers and some serious accidents.

3 Safety Risks Associated with Keyless Ignition

Carbon monoxide poisoning: At least a dozen individuals have actually been killed by carbon monoxide poisoning after accidentally leaving their vehicles running in enclosed spaces such as garages. These individuals—and others who have been lucky enough to escape harm—did not realize their cars would continue to run because they thought that removing the key would shut off the engine.

Roll away accidents: With a traditional ignition system, it is impossible to remove the key without first putting the vehicle in park. But with a keyless ignition system, this is very easy to do. Some drivers have accidentally left their vehicles in gear and without the parking brake engaged, resulting in the car rolling along an incline and causing a collision.

Roadside emergency risks: One final safety concern is that people who do not really understand how their keyless ignition system works may be unable to shut off their engines in the event of an emergency. Or, they may become flustered and forget to turn the engine off. This could lead to serious dangers.

Who Is Liable for Keyless Ignition Related Accidents?

Depending on the circumstances of the accident, it may be possible to make a case that both the driver and the manufacturer were negligent. This might be a reasonable argument to make in the case of a parking related accident. As for carbon monoxide poisoning, a federal lawsuit has been brought against 10 manufacturers, alleging that their failure to include adequate safeguards despite having knowledge of the risks makes them liable for the deaths.

If you have been injured in any kind of motor vehicle accident, you can turn to the Law Office of Fernando D. Vargas for help. We can help you hold any and all liable parties responsible for your accident and secure full and fair compensation for your injuries. Call us at 909-982-0707 now for a free initial consultation.