
When photo evidence is not available, 3-D imaging can be a helpful substitute

3-D Imaging Helps Win Personal Injury CasesA picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to a personal injury case. This is why it is extremely important to acquire photo documentation of the scene of the accident as quickly as possible after the incident.

With ubiquity of cell phone cameras these days, it is often very easy to secure this documentation. But what if you did not have a cell phone with you at the time of your accident? What if you were knocked out or otherwise incapacitated following the accident?

Do not worry. Lack of photo documentation need not compromise your case, thanks to the availability of 3-D imaging technology. This technology can be used to not only create images of the scene of the accident, but also recreate the events leading up to the accident and even present a slow-motion recreation of the injury itself. This can be very helpful for communicating the facts of the incident and the severity of your injury to the court in clear visual images rather than words.

Example Case

We know of one particular case where 3-D imaging technology helped the plaintiff win their case in court.

The case took place in San Diego and was based on a slip and fall injury suffered by the plaintiff at a local Starbucks. It seems initially there was some doubt on the part of the defense as to exactly how the plaintiff could have fallen and suffered such severe injuries, including a traumatic brain injury. Perhaps this is why the case was not settled but instead proceeded to the courtroom.

Using the services of a third-party company specializing in 3-D graphic recreations, the plaintiff’s attorney was able to not only dispel these doubts but actually prove exactly how the slip and fall accident took place. When played for the court, the 3-D graphic clearly showed not only the location of the slip and fall hazard (in this case an unsigned area of wet floor) but also broke down the physics of how the fall caused the plaintiff severe injury. All the damages affecting the real victim were mimicked in the 3-D character, helping the court to visualize the accident and its aftermath in a way that words alone could not communicate as effectively.

In this case, the plaintiff won $7.5 million in compensation for their slip and fall injury.

Trust Your Attorney to Invest in the Right Strategies for Your Case

In this case, it was certainly worth the investment in the 3-D imaging service because of the severe nature of the injury and the high financial costs of such an injury. A person with a traumatic brain injury can easily rack up hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical costs and may even require lifelong care. Compared to the cost of accepting a settlement inadequate to these needs, the cost of the 3-D service was surely negligible.

If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident or any other kind of accident, you can rely on Fernando D. Vargas to provide expert and honest advice about your prospects for compensation and skillfully guide your case to the most favorable conclusion possible using all appropriate tools and strategies.