What should I do if I get bit by a dog?

If you get bit by a dog, you may be eligible to receive compensation. However, it is important to take the right steps immediately after the attack or bite.

You should first seek medical attention to address any injuries that you sustain. Then, you should identify the dog and its owner and report the dog bite to animal control or the police. It is also important to thoroughly document your injuries with photographs. After you have done this, call an experienced dog bite attorney like The Law Office of Fernando D. Vargas right away.

Attorney Vargas can guide you through the process, including:

  • Explain your legal rights and options following a dog bite
  • Help gather evidence proving liability for the dog bite
  • Make sure you get proper medical care
  • Set up a plastic surgery medical-legal evaluation regarding treatment to prevent or correct scarring
  • Accurately value your damages
  • Negotiate for a fair settlement with the dog owner’s insurance provider
  • Take your case to court if needed