
Your Dog Bite Attorney Can Help You Understand the Complex Laws in California

Have you or someone you love been injured by a dog? Has a dog bite caused harm? Whether it was your neighbor’s dog or a strange dog that wandered into your yard, anyone who’s been bitten by a dog is likely to have looked into California dog bite laws. The truth is that only a qualified attorney like Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas can keep up on all the nuances of these laws. Read on to get answers to some frequently asked questions and then call us at 909-982-0707 to set up your free consultation.

California has a dog bite statute

One of the first things to understand is that there is a California dog bite statute. It was passed to protect residents of California from vicious dogs. The results of this statute are that the owner of a dog has very strict liability for any injuries their dog causes by biting someone. The burden is on the owner of the dog because they are considered to be the legal insurer of the conduct of their dog. In short, it’s up to dog owners to prevent their dogs from attacking or biting people.

This statue provides that a dog owner can be held liable any time their dog bites or injuries someone – even if it’s the dog’s first time showing any type of biting or vicious behavior.

Some cities and downs have their own laws

There are also cities and downs throughout California that have their own laws protecting citizens from dangerous animals. A good example is Beverly Hills, where there’s a law assigns liability to dog owners – and even some non-owners – for any injury caused by their dog – not just bites. This can even include injury or damage to property. Santa Monica is another good example, where there’s an ordinance that requires owners of Piet Bulls to muzzle their pooches anytime they’re on public property.

What to do when you’ve been bit by a dog

If you or a loved one is bitten by a dog, you should do the following:

  • No matter how minor the bite may seem, get medical attention right away. You are at risk for infections or worse.
  • Identify both the dog that bit you and the owner of the dog. Find out if they have renter’s insurance or homeowner’s insurance, either of which may cover them for dog bite injuries.
  • Report the dog bite to your local animal control office or contact the sheriff.
  • Take pictures of the bite as soon as possible. You also want photos of the recovery process. Finally, take pictures of final scarring too. These pictures could be essential if you move forward with a dog bite litigation case.

Now is the time to contact a California dog bite attorney

Are you ready to speak to a California attorney who’s experienced with dog bite litigation? Then you’re ready to call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to set up your free initial consultation.