
Wrongful Death Cases May Seem Complicated: Learn What Damages You Can SeekThe option to file a wrongful death case exists for a reason: To compensate the dependents of the deceased and to take off some of the financial pressure felt after an unnecessary death. Not every death qualifies legally as a wrongful death, and not just anyone can file this type of claim. That said, if you are eligible to file, then there are a number of damages you may be able to recover.

Read on to learn more about them. You can also reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 877-982-0707 to get a free legal consultation. We can answer your questions, both specific and general, and let you know what your rights are.

Some of the damages you can recover compensation for

This is a partial list of the damages that you may be eligible for:

  • The cost of any medical bills incurred directly before the death
  • The cost of their burial and / or funeral
  • The loss of love, consortium, and companionship
  • The loss of the expected income of the deceased
  • The loss of care, nurturing, and guidance
  • The loss of inheritance as a result of their death
  • The value of the household services the deceased would have provided

It’s also possible that you could be awarded punitive damages. Essentially, these are damages the court issues not due to your financial loss but to punish the defendant. That said, it is extremely rare that punitive damages are awarded in California. The situation would have to require extreme financial loss and significant pain and suffering right before their death.

Unfortunately, you may not have time to waste

If you believe that you may have grounds for a wrongful death case then you’ll want to reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas sooner rather than later. We will need time to identify all potential defendants, determine if it’s necessary to create an estate, and we will need to preserve the evidence. All of this can get more complicated as time goes on. Keep in mind that there is also a statute of limitations on these cases as well.

Reach out today to find out what your options are

You can read all the general information you want but you won’t know for sure if you have a case until you reach out to a personal injury attorney. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas, we are happy to provide a free consultation. All you have to do is call us at 877-982-0707. Once we’ve gone over the basics, we can give you advice on the best way to proceed.