
What to Expect During the Demand and Negotiation Phase of Your Lawsuit

When you work with a personal injury attorney, the first step of our process involves ensuring you get medical treatment and investigating the case. Once we have assured you are on a medical treatment plan and we have gathered all evidence, we move on to the phase that involves demands and negotiations.

We know that for most of our clients, we are helping them through their first personal injury lawsuit. As a result, we are happy to take the time to inform you and your family about each step and what to expect. Call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas now at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation or read on to learn what to expect at the demand and negotiation phase of your personal injury lawsuit.

We Prepare a Demand Letter and Packet

During this step of the process, we will take all the information we have gathered to create a packet of evidence along with the demand letter. This will include everything from medical documentation to loss of earnings, from witness statements to photos the accident scene. In short, we will set out our case for the amount we are demanding.

In the demand letter itself, we will tell the story of your accident. We will cover how the accident happened, why the at-fault party is liable for your injuries, and go into details about the damages you suffered, including both financial and nonfinancial. We will cover your pain and suffering and how the accident and subsequent injuries have changed how you live your life.

The final part of this letter will include a demand number. This is the amount we are demanding for settlement. It is the beginning of the negotiation process. It is uncommon for an insurance company to accept a demand amount without bargaining and we will account for that when we make our initial demand.

The insurance adjuster then has four weeks to respond to our demand. Once they do, we move on to either settlement or negotiation. In most cases, they will counter with a lower amount and we will counter with a number in between. This can go back and forth several times before a settlement is made. In the event we can never agree on a number, we may need to take your case to court.

The First Step is a Free Legal Consultation

If you have been injured and you believe that another party was at fault or negligent, then we highly recommend you contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation. We will carefully assess your case to provide our best advice. If we decide to take your case, we will do so on a contingency basis that assures you do not owe us anything if we do not win your case. You deserve fair treatment under the law. Contact a personal injury attorney who will fight for you to get it.