
What Can Be Done to Reduce the Increasing Number of Wrong-Way Accidents?

Thousands of wrong-way car accidents occur across the United States each year. These are almost always preventable accidents yet the number keeps increasing, despite steps taken to get the problem under control. Keep reading to learn a few things that can be done to reduce these accidents. If you were the victim of a wrong-way accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Infrastructure Changes Can Make a Big Difference

One of the most important steps that can be taken to reduce wrong-way accidents is changes to infrastructure. These changes can be as simple as adding street lights and getting rid of visibility barriers in areas where there are often wrong-way accidents. Almost all wrong-way accidents occur at night, which is a good indicator that increased lighting and reducing vegetation can reduce these accidents.

Better Signs Can Make a World of Difference

According to the Expressway Authority, who worked in conjunction with the University of Central Florida’s traffic division, new and better wrong-way warning signs can make a difference. They suggest signs with flashing warning lights that automatically come on when someone enters a ramp the wrong way. The signs would also have cameras, which send footage to the highway patrol.

In one small sample, they stopped 21 vehicles from going the wrong way in just a few week’s time. The signs are effective but the technology is still be ting tested. Hopefully further testing will show these to be effective options.

Drivers Can Help Reduce These Accidents as Well

Of course, drivers are at fault for most wrong-way accidents. One of the top things they can do to prevent this type of accident is never to drive while tired. Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk driving, and sometimes worse because drowsy drivers do not always realize that they are too tired to drive. If you drifting from your lane, have missed an exit, or are having trouble keeping your head up, pull over right away.

Another step is to prevent people with dementia from driving. This may seem like an isolated issue but there have been numerous wrong-way accidents caused by older drivers experiencing dementia. If you have an older family member that you believe may not be safe to drive, take action to prevent them from accessing a vehicle.

Call for Help if You Are Injured in a Car Accident

In the event you are injured in a car accident, and the injury was due to another party acting negligently or recklessly, then you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. Contact your local personal injury attorney to find out what your options are. You can talk to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas for a free case evaluation by calling us at 909-982-0707.