
These Inaccurate Beliefs About Vaping Need to Be Squashed

Anyone watching the news in the last few years has likely heard about the serious injuries and even deaths being caused by vaping and using e-cigarettes. At Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas we represent these victims and have found that there are some inaccurate beliefs that permeate those who use these products. Read on to get the facts and then contact us at 909-982-0707 if you are in need of a free legal consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Using E-Cigarettes is Harmless: Full Stop

One of the most pervasive arguments those in the vaping industry use is that e-cigarettes are not dangerous. This is false – they are far from harmless. Early research that they were less dangerous than cigarettes, remember that this is a very low bar.

The truth is that these products have only been widely available for about ten years. As a result, there are no long-term studies on health effects. That said, we do know that short-term usage is very dangerous. It has been shown to damage veins and arteries, to increase blood pressure, and to cause serious burns and other injuries. A recent study also showed that those who use e-cigarettes are at least twice as likely to have a heart attack compared to those who do not use e-cigarettes.

There is Indeed Nicotine in Many E-Cigarettes

Another common misconception about e-cigarettes is that there is no nicotine in them. This may or may not be true, but many of them have very high concentrations of nicotine. Take JUUL cartridges for example – each one has as much nicotine as a full pack of cigarettes.

Yes, You Can Get Addicted to E-Cigarettes

We also find that some people believe that e-cigarettes are not addictive. This is false. As mentioned above, many contain nicotine, one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Youth, who are often the ones using e-cigarettes, are even more susceptible to addictive because their brains are still developing. However, anyone at any age can potentially become addicted to e-cigarettes.

E-Cigarettes Are Not Only to Help You Quit Cigarettes

Studies have shown that if a person uses an e-cigarette, they are four times as likely to begin start smoking cigarettes as they would have been if they had not vaped. Up to 80% of smokers who tried to use e-cigarettes as a way to stop smoking were still using e-cigarettes one year later.

If you have been injured by an e-cigarette accident, have developed health issues caused by e-cigarettes, or have other legal questions about these cases, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 to request a free legal consultation at your convenience.