
The 3 Most Important Safety Steps to Follow When Riding Your Bike This Summer

It is finally summer time and many people are hitting the roads on their bikes. While it is a great time to bike for many reasons, it is also true that there are more bike accidents in summer than in other times of the year. While many bike accidents involve cars and could not have been prevented by the bike rider, there are some tips you can follow to make it as safe as possible to ride. Three of those tips follow.

If you have already suffered an injury in a bike accident, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for your free legal consultation. We can determine what your options are and help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages.

Bike Accidents Are More Common and Serious Than Many People Realize

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) bike accidents are the leading cause of death for children 14 and younger. This is often because children do not know how to safely ride a bike in traffic. The number of bike accidents in California has slowly but surely risen year after year. Follow these three tips to stay safe. If you have children, teach them these three tips and model them so they will follow suit.

  1. Choose the Right Helmet
  2. There are two things you should focus on when choosing a helmet. First, it should fit properly. Second, it should be approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). If you are involved in a bike accident and the helmet was involved, throw it away and get a new one. Even if it looks as though it is fine, it may not still offer the same level of protection it once did.

  3. Check Your Bike Before Riding
  4. Every time you get on your bike you should first check it to make sure it is safe. This involves making sure it is on overall good condition, that the tires are properly inflated, that the breaks work, that the gears work, and that the reflectors are all secured where they should be. If you have extra gear, make sure it is working too.

  5. Follow Your Laws
  6. While it can be frustrating to see cars breaking laws left and right, this is not your concern. Your concern is following all the rules of the road. Do not cut between vehicles. Do not cut between lines. Stop at stoplights and intersections when necessary. Make sure that you are wearing clothing that is bright and / or reflective so that motorists are more likely to see you.

If you were injured in a bike accident in which another driver or bike rider was not following the rules of the road, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to find out if you have legal recourse.