
Learn the 3 Facts Insurance Companies Do Not Want Accident Victims to Know

Anyone who has been injured in an accident and made an effort to gain a settlement from an insurance company needs to be aware of three very important facts. Knowing these facts can be the difference between getting a fair offer and getting far less than you deserve. Keep reading to find out what they are and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you need a personal injury attorney to go over the settlement you have been offered.

  1. You Are Going to Be Offered Less Than You Are Eligible For
  2. It is simply a fact in most cases. Remember that the insurance company is not a nonprofit – they are there for one reason and that reason is to make a profit. The insurance adjuster may be very nice but they are not on your side. Their job is to maximize the profit of their company – which requires that they minimize the payout on each claim.

    Insurance companies can be very convincing and it may seem as though you are being offered a fair deal. Trust us when we say that if it is a first offer, it is not likely to be what you are actually owed.

  3. Once You Accept an Offer You Cannot Sue
  4. All too commonly, a person is injured in a car accident or other type of accident, is offered a settlement from an insurance company, and accepts it without realizing that they are now not able to sue for further damages. They may assume that if the injury gets worse, or unexpected expenses come up, they can sue for this. They cannot.

    Once you sign a settlement agreement, you are agreeing not to sue that individual or entity for the same accident. This is why it is so important to ensure that you are not agreeing to less than you are owed.

  5. Accident Victims with Attorneys Get Higher Payouts on Average
  6. Finally, consider that according to a 2014 Research Council Study, the average person who works with a personal injury attorney will get 3.5 times the compensation as the average person who does not. Why do the insurance companies not want you to know this? Because they do not want you to get the maximum payment – they generally get more if you do not work with an attorney.

Call Today to Request a Free Legal Consultation

If you have been injured in an accident then you can see that simply accepting a settlement offer is not likely the best option. To learn more about the best way forward, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas now and request a free legal consultation. We are standing by to take an account of your case and get you the information you need. Call us at 909-982-0707.