
Learn How You Can Get Help with a Dog Bite Accident from a Personal Injury Attorney in Riverside CA

If you have been suffered a dog bite injury, you might be wondering how a personal injury attorney in Riverside CA can help you. Keep reading to learn what they are and how an attorney can help. Then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation. We are here to help you through this difficult time.

Understanding the Laws Regarding Dog Bite Liability

There are three sorts of legislation that provide dog bite injury victims with a legal avenue through which they can seek recompense for their injuries: civil, criminal, and administrative. Many jurisdictions have laws that hold dog owners automatically responsible for any injury or property damage their pet causes without their knowledge or consent. Some examples of provocation include playing with a dog’s tail or unintentionally walking on its tail.

In certain places, dog owners are only responsible for dog bite injuries if the dog has a past history of biting or if the dog was otherwise known to be dangerous at the time of the bite. If a dog bite victim can demonstrate that the dog’s owner was aware that the dog was dangerous, the owner will be found liable.

The basic idea of negligence can apply to dog bite cases as well, if the damage was caused as a result of the dog owner—or handler—not exercising reasonable care in controlling the dog.

Dog Bite Laws in California

Of course, you want to know: what applies to the work I can expect from a personal injury attorney in Riverside CA? There is no requirement to prove that the dog was known to be dangerous in order to obtain compensation for dog bite injuries or other types of injuries caused by dogs in California. This means there is no requirement to prove that the dog was known to be dangerous in order to obtain compensation for dog bite injuries or other types of injuries caused by dogs in California.

When it is appropriate, Californians may also file claims for dog bite injuries under the theory of general negligence, which is recognized throughout the country.

Was There Anything I Should Have Done If I Was Attacked By a Canine?

It is necessary to take the following actions in the event that you or someone you care about gets bitten or otherwise wounded by a dog:

  • Identify the dog as well as its owner
  • Seek medical attention
  • Notify the appropriate authorities about the occurrence.
  • Consult with a personal injury attorney in Riverside CA that specializes in dog bite injury cases.

You can request a free consultation with an experienced attorney by contacting Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 at your convenience.