
Amputations are life-changing and merit a variety of types of compensation.

AmputationAn amputation is an example of an injury that will never heal. Even if the victim gets fitted with the latest and greatest prosthetic technology, the lost limb can never be fully replaced. Amputations can occur in the course of a variety of different types of accidents, including car accidents, motorcycle accidents, and even premise accidents. Fortunately, regardless of the type of accident you can seek compensation for the loss of your limb provided another party can be proven to have been at fault for the accident. Here are the main types of compensation you may be able to seek.

Medical Expenses

Obviously, whoever caused the accident leading up to your amputation should be responsible for your immediate medical expenses. Do not neglect to also seek damages for future medical expenses as well.

Recovery Expenses

Following an amputation, even the most mundane activities like tying a shoe (if a hand has been lost) or walking unassisted (if a leg has been lost) can suddenly become overwhelmingly difficult. Even if prosthetics are provided, extensive rehabilitation or physical therapy may still be necessary to help train the body to use them properly. You can seek compensation for all costs associated with your recovery, including prosthetics and prosthetic fittings, assistive devices and transportation, and therapy.

Work-Related Expenses

Depending on the type of work you did prior to the accident, you may not be able to return to your chosen career following an amputation. Fortunately, you can seek compensation for not only the past wages lost during your recovery, but also the future earnings or earning power your injury has denied you. If you did not have a job outside the home, you can seek damages to cover the value of the household services like cleaning, cooking, etc. you will no longer be able to provide. You can also get compensation for occupational therapy to help you return to the workforce.

Pain & Suffering

As in any personal injury case, in an amputation case you may be able to seek compensation for the emotional and mental anguish associated with the experience, as well as the physical pain. One type of pain and suffering that must not be overlooked in an amputation case is phantom pain or phantom limb sensations.

Need Help?

If you would like help putting a dollar value on your damages and seeking compensation in an amputation injury claim, please contact the Law Office of Fernando D. Vargas today for a free consultation.