
It is Legal to Lane Split in California but is It Safe?

It is now legal to lane split in California but that is not the end of the debate. Now the question arises: It is legal but is it safe? Today we are going to take a look at what the statistics say. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, then you should contact a personal injury attorney right away. You can do so by reaching out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 and asking for a free legal consultation. In the meantime, you can read on to find out more about the impact of lane splitting.

Statistics on lane splitting

A recent study showed that lane splitting is on the rise across the country and that injuries resulting from lane splitting are on the rise to. It looked at the 900-plus motorcycle accidents that happened during lane splitting over a 15-month period in 2012-2013. The study found injuries of all types, including brain injuries, broken bones, neck injuries, and others.

It is important to consider that though there were over 900 injuries involving lane splitting, there were more than 6,000 total motorcycle accidents during the study period. However, the number of those accidents that involved lane splitting is concerning.

Motorcycle riders say there are real benefits to lane splitting

While the number of accidents involving lane splitting may be concerning, many motorcycle riders say there are significant benefits. They say that parallel bike riding, which is allowed under the same law that made lane splitting legal, is much safer than having bikes follow each other. They also say that lane splitting makes it easier for motorcyclists to see, and easier to change lanes, that lane splitting laws help to reduce lane crowding.

The fact that it is legal may have an impact

While the statistics are alarming and could lead to certain conclusions, it is important to remember a few things. First, the accident period was before lane splitting was legal. The hope is that now that it is legal, and the fact that it has become legal has been highly publicized, drivers will be more aware of the possibility and accidents will decrease. Second, it must be taken into consideration that the statistics are from the entire country. Only time will tell what impact our laws have had on our local lane-splitting accidents.

One thing is for sure: Call an attorney if you are injured in a motorcycle accident

While the jury may be out on whether or not it is safe to lane split, one thing is certain: If you are injured in a motorcycle accident and other driver is even partially at fault, you should contact a personal injury attorney. You can reach Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation with an experienced motorcycle attorney.