
How to Evaluate What Your Personal Injury Case is Worth

It likely comes as no surprise that one of the first questions we often get from potential clients is: How much is my case worth? Of course, answering this is not as simple as some think it is. A lot depends on the type of personal injury case. The exact damages, the evidence, and other factors will matter too.

You may find that insurance adjusters have a formula they use that involves totaling the economic damages, multiplying that number by a conservative number, and then adding in any non-economic damages. This formula does not take into account the long-term impact of injuries or the unique factors of any case. Keep reading to find out what we will consider when evaluating the value of your claim and then contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.

Evaluating economic damages

Economic damages refer to any monetary damages you suffered as a result of your injury. This would include all your medical expenses, including hospital visits, tests, surgery, medicine, physical therapy, follow-up visits, and wheelchair or other adaptive technology.

Wage loss is also an economic damage and it includes wages you lost while you were in the hospital or recovering from your injuries – even if you were paid via vacation days or PTO from your employer. If you have a permanent injury or disability and you cannot continue the work you did prior to the accident, then lost earning capacity would be another economic damage.

Evaluating noneconomic damages

Economic damages are fairly easy to tally because they relate to actual money spent. This is not the case with noneconomic damages. They include things like loss of enjoyment in life if you are no longer able to take part in hobbies you once enjoyed, such as walking through the park, dancing, or gardening.

If you are no longer able to have the same physical relationship with your spouse then you loss of consortium is another injury. Finally, you can recover noneconomic damages for the pain and suffering caused by the injury.

Other factors to consider

When we do a final evaluation to find a settlement request, we will consider other factors too. This includes how believable and likeable the jury is likely to find the plaintiff, any pre-existing conditions the plaintiff had, how long it took for the suit to come to light, what the limits are on the defendant’s insurance, and how difficult it will be to prove negligence.

Once we have looked at the entire case, we will have a better idea of what your case is worth and where to start negotiations. This number can vary widely from one case to another – even for cases that seem similar on the surface. The best way to get a good idea of what your particular case is likely worth is to contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 for a free legal consultation.