
Get Answers to Your Questions About Dog Bites in California According to statistics from the United States Postal Service, Los Angeles is the “dog bite capital of the world.” In fact, areas throughout California have higher rates of dog bite accidents than other areas of the country. Read on to get answers to some questions you may have about these cases. If you have been bitten and believe you are entitled to compensation for your damages, contact Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now for a free legal consultation.

Who is At-Fault in a Dog Bite Accident?

In almost all cases, the owner of the dog is liable for any injury caused by their dog. This is why the first step in pursuing a dog bite injury claim is to determine who owns the dog. In California, there is strict liability for dog bites, which means that the owner does not need to have had prior knowledge that their dog might bite, and they do not need to have known that their dog was dangerous. According to the law, when they obtained ownership of the dog, they were agreeing to take responsibility for what the dog did.

In certain cases a person who does not own the dog may be found at fault. This may apply if the dog was in a kennel or animal shelter. A landlord could potentially be found liable for the dangerous actions of a tenant’s pet. Generally speaking, a person must have some type of proven control over the presence of the dog in order to be found partially or wholly at fault.

Can the Victim Be Found at Fault for the Dog Bite?

Yes. If the victim was trespassing when bitten by the property owner’s dog, then the victim could be found to be at fault for the accident and responsible for their own injuries. This is because the owner of a property only has a legal duty of care to a person who is legally on their property.

What Type of Damages May I Get if I am Bitten by a Dog?

It depends on the injuries you suffered. How serious are they? Were you legally on the property at the time you were bitten? You may be able to seek compensation for medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If your clothing or other property was damaged, then you could get compensation for that damage as well.

What Do I Do If I Was Bitten by a Dog?

The first thing to do is to get medical attention. This helps ensure your health and safety, but it also acts creates a record of your injuries. The next step is to contact a personal injury attorney who can help fight for your rights. You can call Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 now to request your free legal consultation.