
5 Things for Bikers to Keep in Mind if They’re Lane-Splitting

Lane splitting can be a bonus for both motorcycle riders and drivers – if it’s done correctly. If it isn’t, then it can lead to more accidents. Saving a few minutes on the road isn’t worth an accident, which is why we’ve provided a few simple tips to help make sure you can do this as safely as possible. Remember that California is one of the few places you can do this legally so don’t take these tips to Arizona with you!

That said, there aren’t any official laws or guidelines offered from the California Highway Patrol. It’s up to safety experts to say how to keep safe. Here are five of their tips. Read on to learn about them and then reach out to Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas at 909-982-0707 if you’ve been injured in a car or motorcycle accident.

  1. Your bike needs to stay tuned upIn order to safely lane split, you need to make sure that your brakes are in good shape and that your tires aren’t worn. This is good advice for getting on the road in general but is specifically important if you’re planning to drive between lanes of traffic.
  2. You can practice with a bike if you’re nervousMany people have driven motorcycles for years but never lane split. It can feel nerve-wracking the first time. If this is the case for you, then we suggest hopping on you bike and trying it there. It can help you both get comfortable with the concept and help you better understand land splitting and the patterns in traffic that make it worthwhile.
  3. You must always stay focusedIf you’re going to be lane splitting then you must pay total attention to the road. Again, this is good advice all around but is especially important when driving between lanes. If you’re driving while tired, you’re distracted, or for any other reason you don’t feel you can completely concentrate then we recommend that you either take another route, take the route you were planning to but don’t lane split, or, better yet, stay off the roads until you feel you can concentrate fully.
  4. You’re going to have to drive over lane buttonsWhen you lane split, you’re going to have to drive over the raised areas that are between the lanes. These are there to let motorists know that they’re crossing the lane. They can make your bike rattle fiercely but they aren’t going to tip you over. You can practice driving on them when there aren’t cars around. Just remember that if you’re going fast enough that they’re causing a serious issue, then you’re driving too fast for lane splitting.
  5. Don’t forget your safety gearWhile lane splitting can be safer than taking up a lane in traffic, there is still risk – just like there is any time you’re on the road. Make sure you’re wearing a full-face helmet, protective clothing, and boots with ankle protection.

Finally, remember that if you are involved in an accident, call a personal injury attorney right away. Law Offices of Fernando D. Vargas is here to help you get through this difficult time.